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Are You Using Content Marketing For Leads?

Get a Clue Marketing minute and it seems that content marketing is winning in 2013, for Lead Generation!


I found on Marketing Charts, that content marketing is the number one form of Lead Generation marketing right now. You definitely want to check it out. Go over to

Content Marketing is one of the fastest-growing lead channels! People are looking for blog content with answers and solutions to problems. Plus, people want to find out what’s actually happening with other people and they want to stay connected. Asking, “What are you doing this for marketing campaigns.”

This is why the content marketing is important, because people want to read more in-depth information about what’s happening in their field. Or  in their marketing industry.

If you haven’t used of content marketing or if you’re just cutting and pasting stuff to your blog, go deeper about many different things.

Check the Content stats:

“60.2% plan to use content marketing this year, up 31% from 46.1% last year. About two-thirds are expecting to use website registration/opt-in, up almost 20% from 56.3% last year, and 29.7% are planning to use retargeting, up almost 50% from 20.3% last year.”

  •    Social networks (67.5% vs. 57.3%);
  •    Email (86.7% vs. 80.3%);
  •    PPC or display ads (45.1% vs. 37.8%); and
  •    Live events/street teams (32% vs. 26.7%).

If you want leads, time to start giving your prospects, good, rich content that fulfills their needs and wants.

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